Workshop format
The workshop is scheduled as a full day event.
Participants are expected to read the papers accepted beforehand to be able to contribute to lively discussions about approaches and ideas presented.
The morning session will consist of paper presentations. Each paper will be presented by its author(s) and discussed by two other workshop participants (authors of other papers, PC members or organizers). The assignment of discussing participants of papers and the points they should address will be announced with the acceptance notification.
In the afternoon session we will use the Open Space format in order to discuss topics of interest that might be related but not restricted to the papers presented in the morning.
The results of the discussion groups will be presented in the last half hour of the workshop.
The papers and a summary of the discussions will be compiled into a technical report that will be posted on the workshop's website.
A special issue of a journal may be considered if a good number of high quality submissions are received.